How to cook a roast beef?

 Sitting a while making a thick, thick broth for this slow-cooked dinner is well worth it. As the pot

 cooks, the water and juices from the vegetables and meat dilute the broth, resulting in just the right


what is pot roast?

Pot roast is a big, tough beef cut (usually a cheap cut perfect for slow cooking), seared, covered and

 cooked slow with herbs and veggies in a flavourful broth until fall apart tender.

A good pot roast can be made with any cut of beef roast: chuck roast, round roast, or briskets. The beef

 is seasoned and seared then added to your slow cooker or  Instant pot with a braising liquid—for this

 recipe you’re going to use beef broth and balsamic vinegar which helps tenderise the meat and add a

 deeper flavour.

There are three main steps to the most perfect Pot Roast, whichever option you choose:

SEAR your roast first: the flavour you get when searing your meat first is incredible. The fat is rendered

 while juices are sealed. This step is well worth the extra time and dishes. While slow cooking, the meat

 will release amazing flavour into your gravy.

SLOW COOK using whichever method you like!

ADD veggies.

The amazing bonus is the rich gravy that get cooked right in the pot to drizzle all over your beef roast!

Le rôti de bÅ“uf est un plat indémodable que l’on ne peut pas rater. Accompagné de quelques légumes,

 cuisiné farci ou, dans sa version simplissime, en croûte, le rôti de bÅ“uf ravira les papilles de tous vos

 invités. Plat parfait pour un dimanche midi en famille, découvrez toutes les astuces pour réussir

 parfaitement la cuisson de votre rôti de bÅ“uf.

How to calculate the cooking time of a roast beef?

There are no coincidences in the kitchen. To ensure that your roast beef is as good as you remember it

 from childhood, pay attention to the cooking time! The cooking time for a roast beef must be adapted

 according to the weight of the meat.

The rule of thumb is: 15 minutes for a 500 gram roast. Then you have to add time proportionally. To

 calculate: add 10 minutes per additional book. Too complicated ? Note that it takes 17 minutes for a

 600 g piece, 20 minutes for a 750 g piece and around 25 minutes for a 1 kilo roast.

What temperature for roast beef?

Red meat should always be seared in a very hot oven: 250°C. This temperature sears the meat and

 forms a crust all around the meat, trapping the juices inside. Thus, the meat remains very tender. The

 cooking is quite brief, the roast does not dry out.


1 kg covered rib of Swiss beef

2 tbsp oil

5 sprigs thyme

100g butter

2 carrots, peeled, diced

2 onions, diced

100 g celeriac, peeled, diced

100 g leeks, diced salt

ground pepper


Take the beef-covered rib out of the fridge 1 hour before you prepare it.

Preheat the oven, to 160°C for convection ovens or 180°C for upper and lower heat ovens.

Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat over high heat. When the oil becomes liquid like water, it is hot

 enough for you to put your meat in. Evenly brown your beef-covered rib for 4-5 minutes. Warning:

 never prick the meat with your fork to turn it over, it will lose its juices.

Meanwhile, place the vegetables and onions in the oven dish, salt and pepper. When the meat is nicely

 browned, put it on the vegetables. Salt and pepper.

Add the thyme and butter directly to the meat. Now poke the thermometer at the thickest part of the

 meat and push the tip to the heart. Put the dish in the middle of the oven. Attention! For setting the

 thermometer: the final temperature is set at 55° C, but the meat must already be taken out of the oven

 when it has reached 49° C.

During cooking, baste the meat from time to time with the melted butter from the bottom of the dish.

When the temperature is 49°C, take the roast out of the oven, cover it with aluminum foil and let it rest

 until it reaches a core temperature of 55°C. spread throughout the roast.

Découpe le rôti et sers-le immédiatement.

 Accompagner de pommes de terre sautées et de légumes frais du marché.